Guess where we went? Bear is really doing well with public access. I thought this would be a routine visit but instead we walked through their Halloween area and watched a couple of motion sensor ghosts and witches. Bear's ears went crazy but he didn't bark. He only watched.
Then we bought lumbar and went through the lumbar yard. He stayed in the back being very quiet. When it was time to load the boards - the lumber yard man opened the back hatch and there was Bear! Bear did great. He didn't bark or anything. He just moved out of the way so the board could be put in.
When we went through the gate again, the security guard opened the back hatch and Bear peeked up over the seat and surprised him. I thought for sure he would bark but he didn't. In fact, the guard gave him a dog treat for being so good. He even opened the side door to give it to him. Bear didn't bark, he took the treat from a stranger, and he did it nicely!
We did not get a chance to practice handicap doors because these doors were automatic. In fact, I've noticed that many of the doors in public places are automatic. Maybe teaching them to push that button will become obsolete in the future.

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