This was the most embarassing outing I have had with Bear (so far!). My kids and I went to Fazoli's. Parking was difficult because the place was VERY busy plus it was raining like crazy. We ran into the building and we eventually ordered. Bear was pretty good in line. He tried lunging at things on the floor but I kept reminding him to "leave it" and he would.
We went to get our drinks and I grabbed a to-go container and filled it with ice for Bear. We found a booth, he went underneath, and I gave him the container of ice. Wonderful! Things were going great!
THEN......he ran out of ice to eat. We had already waited about 10 minutes for our food and it still wasn't there. Bear kept trying to get out from under the booth. He would go back under when I dragged him under. He was not following commands but rather looking at me like I was a nuisance. I blocked his exit with my leg resting on the other seat. He tried climbing over my leg!
Then the barking started. I already had a number of people who were close by watching me. Talk about pressure - although I have learned to tune them out. He barked a little short bark. The people within about 10 feet glanced over. I reached down and grabbed his nose and sternly said, "NO BARK!". Then I let go. He barked again a little louder. I did the same thing again. Many people were looking around to locate the dog. I'm assuming he confirmed that they did in fact hear a "bark" the first time.
Then he barked REALLY loud! I am not kidding when I say that the entire restaurant stopped talking and everyone was looking for the dog. I glanced at the counter area and the staff even stopped and looked out into the restaurant. I really debated packing up and leaving however, we still had not gotten our food!!
I took him up to the counter and asked about our food and of course we then got it right away. Once the food was delivered, Bear still tried to get out from under the booth. He kept busy for about 5 minutes by shredding the to-go container he had. Then the antics started again. He did not however bark.
A little boy in the restaurant came over and wanted to pet him. For the first time, I said no. I explained that Bear was in training and today he's not doing very well so he can't be petted. Then I thanked him for coming over and asking and I apologized. I felt really bad but I knew that being petted was a reward and Bear was doing nothing rewarding. :)
We quickly finished our meal and went to Target. Target was pretty good. He did show an interest in everything on the shelves - which he never did before but he just sniffed things. He did not open anything up or chew on anything. A couple of people came over and wanted to pet him and I let them because Bear was doing well.
I am so thankful we only eat at Fazoli's once every 2 years!