Bear has always barked across the back part of my yard. I finally figured out what he is barking at. I thought it was my icky neighbor but it turns out it's these HUGE crows that have a nest in one of the giant trees.
When I let Bear out in the morning, he goes straight up the hill and barks as he's running back and forth across the yard.
The other day, my icky neighbor was outside working in his yard. Both of my dogs hate him. In fact, a couple of years ago, I was in the hospital having my appendix out and I left my dogs out for one night. My Golden was stolen from an area in my fence between our lots. My other dog Kiya, who was there that night, was not stolen but would not go outside for any length of time for weeks. When that man is out, she barks and snarls, and foams at the mouth. Hates him.
Bear will continue barking but he comes to the house which is nice. Anyway, I needed to deal with the barking issue. I finally got a bark collar that sprays out citronella spray when the dog barks. WONDERFUL!!! It worked like a charm. Now when he wants to bark, he whines so it won't spray him.
The drawback is that while he has the collar on, Kiya won't go near him. She hates the smell of it. So he's shunned when he has it on. Plus, if he forgets and barks, Kiya comes running in the house.
The other day, Kiya did figure out how to manipulate that collar. She was eating her bone and Bear wanted it after finishing his. So he kept coming around her. She'd growl and he'd still pester her. Finally, she barked and he got sprayed! He left her alone after that.