Friday, March 17, 2006


Bear went in for an x-ray of his hips and elboes. This is done to try to predict if there is any chance of hip displaysia or any other factor that would make it difficult for Bear to perform his skills as a service dog. It would be very unfair to have him working while in pain.

One of the other puppy raisers took him in because the test done at her vet's office is $200 cheaper than at mine - interesting.

They started out by sedating Bear. They need to position his body and also have him lie still. The vet actually took many, many x-rays. Many more than he needed for our tests. They said they had a very difficult time getting him in the position that he needed to be in so the x-rays would be clear. His body just would not adjust properly. After taking many x-rays to find out why - they did not find anything that would make them suspect problems.

So Bear was cleared!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

First Test Could Mean the End of Service Dog Job For Bear

Bear went in today for his certification eye exam. This is one of a few medical tests that can determine the fate of a dog in a service dog program. Joey's brother had this same test done about two weeks ago and didn't pass because of a genetic disease. Obviously it's in the family but does Bear have it?

We went to Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialty Practice, Inc. to see Dr. Olivero to find out.

It's a very simple test. The nurse starts out by putting drops in the dogs eyes and you fill out paperwork. Once your done, the dog is ready to be seen. They take you into an exam room, talk with you a little about the test, and then they dim the lights. Dr. Olivero puts on a light and looks into the dogs eyes.

In Bears case, I didn't mention I was there with a potential service dog, nor did I mention his brother had been there and failed the same test.

Dr. Olivero asked me if Bear was going to be in any type of service dog work (as he's looking in Bear's eyes). I said yes as I was sitting there sweating. Then he asked if Bear has been fixed. Again I said yes thinking he was going to say, "Good because he has a genetic disease."

He said, "Well that's too bad because he doesn't have any problems with his eyes and it would've been nice to breed him." I was so relieved to say the least!!!! BEAR PASSED!!!!

We celebrated with ONE chicken nugget from McDonald's which he puked up an hour later in the car. Oh Bear!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Doesn't Bear look a little like "Alice the Goon" from Popeye? I really see a resemblance. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bear demo's for the Kiwanis

Bear and I had the priviledge of talking to a Kiwanis group today. We gave an overview of working dogs, talked about the help that American Assistance Dogs needs, Bear demonstrated some of his skills, and then we answered many great questions. Hopefully, we raised some awareness and Bear and I will be doing more speaking. Posted by Picasa
Linda and Teamo were also at the Kiwanis meeting with Bear and me. Teamo is the newest puppy in the program. She is mentioned on another website with a much better picture. While Teamo was waiting for a trainer, she was placed with a couple of families that worked together to provide her a wonderful home. She is on page nine in the bottom right hand corner. Very cute picture. Posted by Picasa